Arise Program and APAHM Speech Contest Award
Arise students and staff attend the annual Arise Leadership Training.
What is the Arise Program?
Arise is a community of students from diverse cultures coming together to lift one another up and rise above challenges to reach their fullest potential. The Arise mission is to create a validating space that celebrates the many aspects of Asian American Native Hawaiian Pacific Islander (AANHPI) cultures and histories while providing holistic support to help students be the best version of themselves.
Arise students and staff celebrate Tết and the Lunar New Year during an "Arise Cultural Celebration" series event.
As an Asian American Native Hawaiian Pacific Islander Student Achievement Program (AANHPI SAP), we have a dedicated support team to empower Arise students to achieve success both inside and outside of the classroom. We were established through the Tile III Asian American Native American Pacific Islander Strengthening Institutions (AANAPISI) Part F grants in 2011 and 2016. Today, the program has been institutionalized at Mt. SAC. We are recipients of the Chancellor’s Office Asian American Native Hawaiian Pacific Islander Student Achievement Program (AANHPI SAP) grant, which has been awarded to 50 California Community Colleges across the state. Donations made to this funding opportunity will allow the program to allocate, with some flexibility, to additional Arise scholarships (e.g., Arise Resiliency, Arise Leadership), Arise student development workshops or events, or other student incentives (e.g., opportunity drawing for completion of student surveys).
What is the APAHM Speech Contest Award?
This inaugural speech contest, a collaboration with the Arise Program and the Communication Department, aims to bring visibility for Asian Pacific American Heritage (APAHM) Month 2024 on campus. APAHM is an annual federal proclamation passed by Congress in 1992 that recognizes the contributions of the diaspora of Asian American Native Hawaiian Pacific Islanders (AANHPI) in the United States. In this year’s competition, the top six students will be selected by a panel of judges representing a cross-section of our campus community. Donations made here go directly to the scholarship awards for the student finalists at the inaugural APAHM Storytelling Speech Contest Showcase on May 16, 2024 and for each year ahead that the contest is held.
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